Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Run Firefox inside Firefox :-
How to run Firefox inside Firefox.?
Yes u can run Firefox inside firefox just by typing following url.
How about Opening Firefox inside Firefox which is again in another Firefox..?
And its really easy too just type in this url in Firefox's address bar and there you go!
Firefox inside Firefox!
copy paste following url in a web browser (mozilla firefox).
Create Folders And Files With no name :-
This trick will allow you to create files and folders without any name.
Just follow the steps as given below :-
1) Select any file or folder.
2) Right click on it, select 'Rename' or simply press 'F2'.
3) Press and hold the 'Alt' key. While holding the Alt key, type numbers '0160' from the numpad.
Note :- Type the numbers '0160' from the numpad, that is, the numbers present on the right side of the
Don’t type the numbers which are present on top of the character keys.
4) Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created.
U can do some basic calculations in Command Prompt :-
Open Cmd Prompt & type the following Code:-
C:\>set /a 2+2
If u want to reduce the size of an image which is taken using a digital camera which has around 2-3 MB of size we can achieve it by opening the image using Paint & then Save as with the same file name.Now see the change in size of the image by using Alt + Enter
Open Notepad & type the followig code
Set wshShell =wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "{CAPSLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{NUMLOCK}"
wshshell.sendkeys "{SCROLLLOCK}"

Now save the file as Disco.vbs & open that file...
U see that the lights that are available for Num Lock,Caps Lock & Scroll Lock
 start sparkling like a Disco

Open Cmd prompt & type the following code
telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
& now see the trick what happens...