Wednesday, 16 July 2014

 How to use RFHUTILC from SupportPac IH03 to connect to a remote WebSphere MQ (WMQ) queue manager?

To setup RFHUTILC.EXE to connect to a remote queue manager perform the following steps in this order:
  1. Click Start, Control Panel; Double-click System, Advanced, Environment Variable. Create a new environment variable "MQSERVER" (without quotes) and the value should be in the form of channel_name/TCP/host(port).
    Here is an example: SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN/TCP/9.87.654.3(1414)
  2. Open RFHUTILC.EXE - This is the client version of this tool. If you completed step 1 correctly you should now have an drop-down arrow next to "Queue Manager Name" on the Main tab. Click the drop-down arrow and pick the connection.
  3. Click "Load Names" on the Main tab to connect to currently selected queue manager and request a list of available queues that will be loaded into the dropdown menu.
  4. Type the name of the queue to which you want to connect in the Queue Name box on the Main tab.
  5. Click File, Open and choose a text file(.TXT) to serve as your message text.
Click Write Q - Your message should now be on the remote queue. 

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